Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sluggin Away

  Oh Dear blog... how I have missed writing in thee.  Time is of the essence and the girls are growing and changing at an astonishing pace.  We are just over 7 months into this adventure called parenting.  Its quite the ride.  I love it though.  I think sometimes people think I am just saying that I love having twins just to put on a brave face, but I promise you that is not the case at all.  I truly do enjoy it so very much.  Yes I have double everything that is undesirable, but with that comes double everything that is wonderful, like the smiles and hugs and kisses.  Don't get me wrong though, bedtime is easily my favorite part of the day, then its time for me.  I have had a hard time remembering myself through this journey.  So last week I went and I got my eyebrows waxed... please don't be jealous.  
  Just to bring you up to speed here... Nellie is on a strict exercise program of yoga and doing what I like to refer to as "the slug".  She basically does something between breakdancing and yoga all day (unless she is jumping, cuddling or sleeping).  Poor thing must be exhausted... if I did that I would totally sleep through the night... 
Farren is a happy chatty little person, she loves to jump jump jump and bops her head when I sing to her, she has some good dance moves.  She might be a little bit less mobile than her little friend, but she still slugs around and manages to keep up!  
Nellie enjoying her dinner.
  One of my very favorite things right now is feeding them... food.  They love love love their food... I feel so very lucky that they will basically eat anything I put in their mouth.  They are basically little vegetarians ( their fathers doing, I have a meat tooth he does not ).  They have tried an assortment of foods and seem to tolerate most everything really well.  Its just a joy making their food, its a lot of work, but so so satisfying.  Its a funny time when they eat, I usually test things out on Farren because she is more "tolerant" of new tastes.  I will feed her a bit of something new and she will then eat it, think about it and look over at Nellie to say, "Yes I approve of this." Its almost like they are starting to form this sister team.  Its hilarious.
Farfar messy face.
Bathing has also changed in this house, they now bathe in my (yes my) bathtub.  Their little heads are together and feet opposites and they kick kick kick and suck on their face cloths, its quite a fun time.  They often are very spirited after the bath and don't like getting out... I don't blame them, I cry sometimes when I have to get out of the bath too.  
So this little adventure is continuing along and we are just enjoying the changes in the girls and our life too.  Childhood is such an adventurous time in life and we just feel lucky that we get a glimpse into what it is like.  I wish that eating my toes and playing in a box satisfied me as much as it does them.  However, if I was caught doing either of those I think it would be frowned upon.
My day usually starts with me jamming two coffees in me as soon as possible (this helps, seriously).  Since the sun has started to feel warm again it didn't take me long to figure out that I am solar and caffeine powered.  I try to get dressed after the bears go for their morning nap and clean up the morning mess and wait for them to get up again.  We have been trying to get out for a walk everyday, this doesn't always happen, but when it does mommy is a much happier mommy.  I honestly think this tooth fairy has it all wrong too... seriously.  She should be dropping of loads of cash, gift certificates for massages and glasses of wine to parents who have to go through it!  Yikes.  We manage by using a variety of homeopathic remedies and they seem to do the job, but seriously tooth fairy if you are out there and you hear me, forget the kids what about the parents?
I hope that whoever still comes and reads this blog of mine will continue as I will try to be better at updating!


Jesse and Bears (thats their nickname, The Sister Bears)

1 comment:

-L said...

So glad you're back- Loved the little pictures and update.
I need two coffees to get started in the day already... what am I gonna do once I have kids!?! :)