Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just an Update

  As we inch closer and closer and the weeks fly by I can't help but feel a bit anxious.  Some nights I am up (usually to go to the bathroom), and I can't fall asleep because I keep thinking about everything that needs to still be finished.  They aren't major, but they weigh on my mind.  Like my spice cupboard... I know that it desperately needs to be organized and cleaned out, but I just don't have really want to do it.  I should make some meals and freeze them, but I feel so tired!  There is a big long list of "should do's" but they can wait.  I have to say that the last couple of days I have been by far the most tired I have been through my pregnancy.  Its like the only type of mammal that hibernates in the summer is a pregnant woman.  I am specifically speaking for myself here.  
32 weeks!
  The babies have been moving so much, apparently its supposed to slow down, but I just don't think they will!  I think that they are going to be busy little girls.  I was saying to Dallas that we are going to have to take them to the park in the evening when they are bigger and run them ragged so they sleep, he already thought of that and has picked out some parks that are close to do that.  He is looking forward to taking them for bike rides and so am I.  I just want to be an active family that spends time together.  When we were little supper time was always so much fun, I just remember sitting around the table and everyone talking about their day and laughing.  Thats how I want our children to grow up.  
  Oh a new development is that we have bought a minivan!  Its not new, its not very "pretty", but we are so happy with it!  The seats are plush and there is a ton of room in it for babies, strollers, dogs and groceries.  I just love how everything seems to fall into place when you need it to.  I want to attach a couple of links of a great website for a few little baby things that my parents got for us.  The company is called Woombie and they have a lot of really great things!  
First off is the Donut Woombie, it is like a portable mattress that actually looks really comfortable!  I wonder if they make these for adults!?!?  My thinking is this will be perfect for an afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's or even for the babes to lay on in the living room!  I am so excited to get this!
Secondly is the Convertible Woombie, it just looks so comfortable.  Its to swaddle the babies and if they don't like it then you can just make it into a sleep sack so their arms are out.  
Doesn't that baby look so comfy and peaceful?  I am hoping that they will make our little babies comfortable and peaceful too.  
Just wanted to share those two little things with everyone!  This week Mom also ordered us two ring slings off of Etsy.  Now that is a dangerous website!  If you haven't ever heard of it, beware!  Most everything is handmade and so much of it is SO affordable.  I love the baby stuff, maybe when the girlies are a bit older I will find something for myself on there!
Anyways.  I just felt the need to write a little post tonight.  We are all still feeling well, just tired.  Dallas is a trooper, just the most selfless man I have ever met.  He gets the bedroom ready for my nap with pillows to prop up my feet and a gets nice cool breeze going in the room and takes me for ice cream without even questioning it.  He is going to be the best Daddy.  He said yesterday that it is special when your friends children smile and coo at you, so he can't even imagine what that will feel like when our little babies start to recognize us and do the same.  
  Just a few more weeks and our life as we know it will never be the same.  I can't hardly wait!  

Jesse and Babies

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Final Four!

  Well here we are 1 day shy of 32 weeks.  I cannot believe how fast this has went!  Technically in like 3-6 weeks we will have our little girls here at home with us ( I hope ), and life as we know it will never be the same.  Which to me is a good thing.  I am ready for the challenge, I have been saying that parenting twins must really bring out the true character of the people who are parenting them.  I first must say that I am just in awe at how amazing Dallas has been through this entire journey.  He never once complains about the never ending "to do list before babies come," and he just happily gets me a tea in the morning and if I need it, helps me out of bed.  Just an amazing dad in waiting.  One of the moments that I look forward to the most is just seeing him holding our little babies and that look of love I know he will have when he sees his little girls for the first time.  Must remember pictures!
  So to bring you all up to speed on what is going on; we are going to be 32 weeks tomorrow, I have been counting this pregnancy in weeks of 4 so that means we are basically on our last 4 weeks... the home stretch!  YAY!  I had an ultra sound on the 12th and the babies were looking really good!  They are both about 4 pounds each already, so I think that my body must grow babies really efficiently!  I was just glad to hear that, although I know that just because they are a good weight doesn't mean that they are ready to join this world yet... I am happy for them to stay put for awhile yet.  The ultra sound tech said that the babies move so much that he had a hard time taking pictures of them... he said that its good that they were "bad" babies, movement is a good thing.  Yesterday I had my last appointment with my OB, I am being switched to a different one because mine is going on holidays!  But he says that the next doc will take good care of us too!  I will miss my South African doctor with baseball mitt hands, he calls me deary and sweet.  The appointment went well, its incredible how fast and how much the body changes in a few short weeks though!  I went from just having an abundance of energy and being able to do almost everything without much trouble and now I have swollen feet that are like the Elephant Man, my gums are not quite as swollen as my feet but close and I have lovely carpel tunnel in my right hand.  I guess when you consider what I could have I am really lucky!  So I will take it and know that it is just the hormones surging through my small frame.  I also stood on the scale and could not believe my eyes!  I weighed a whopping 198 pounds, but the doc said that 7-8 of that is the water that I am retaining in my legs and feet... so that made me feel better, kind of.  The babes heart rates are good, they are like little champs in there!  At this rate he figures they will be be over 6 pounds when they are born!  That was my goal!  Good 6 pounders!  
  I have to say that even though there has been some discomfort over the last couple weeks or so, it is not unbearable.  You have to have the rain before you can have the rainbows right!  I am just everyday thankful that our little babies are healthy and that I am too!  I am thankful for a supportive husband, family and friends.  I think that when you surround yourself with positivity that it easily rubs off on you. I have learned in the last month that EVERYONE will give you unsolicited advice about EVERYTHING and it is just my choice to take it or leave it.  I have to admit that sometimes it brings me down when people get all up in my business, but I know they mean well.  That being said I have been given some really wonderful insight to raising twins!  I guess that when it boils down to it we all have a different experience, its like you can never have the same exact feeling ever two times.  No matter how hard you try the experience will never be the same as someone else's and it will never match an experience you have had. 
  I hope that you are all enjoying this weather we are having, enjoy the rain too!

Jesse and Babies

Friday, July 8, 2011

Babies Bedroom

Birdie mobile that I made
 This has easily and quickly become my favorite room in the house!
Fantastic crib!

Wall Decal, sorry its blurry!

More decal and change table

Is this Co Sleeping?!?
Better picture of decal!

Almost There!

  I have been very tardy with updating this blog of mine, isn't that normal though?  Becoming complacent and just "not having the time."  That is not an excuse for me, as I have nothing but time now a days!  To bring you all up to speed here, I am not working much anymore.  Just a little bit here and there which is nice.  I haven't really felt that need to nest around my house as I have gotten a lot of things done, I do have a list though!  Soon I will start checking things off of that list, I just needed a few days to do nothing!  So that is what I have done.  I have dove into a book and I am not sure if that is a good thing or not...
  We are moving right along with this pregnancy!  We are now 30 weeks, which is amazing to me!  Technically in like 5-8 weeks we will parents to two babies at once!  I can hardly believe it somedays.  I am still in awe of the human body and what it is capable of.  Now I must say that I have started to become uncomfortable!  I have had a couple of new symptoms pop up swollen feet, Dallas likes to call me club foot, its interesting for sure.  Along with the feet my gums are also really swollen and bleed a lot, but not to worry I was proactive and went to the dentist a couple weeks ago and have been taking good care of that!  I have difficulty breathing when I lay down, so I am taking a homeopathic thing for that and it really works!  I am just thinking to myself that I have been really lucky!  If these few minor symptoms is all that has crept up in 30 weeks surely I can make it another 8!  The weather has not been bothering me too much either!  I find that if I sit outside in the sun I can handle maybe 15 minutes then I have to find some shade or go inside for a wee break, but no hot flashes!  I consider myself lucky.  On Tuesday we have our next ultra sound, we are so excited to see our little girls again!  I can't imagine how much they have grown, I can feel it though.  Just incredible to wake up and feel those little nudges and kicks and pokes, I will miss that.  The doctor isn't concerned about anything at this point, we have been cleared for diabetes and anemia, so there are no worries.  Dallas and I have started a journal this last week for the girls, we wanted something in our writing to remind us and to show them how we were feeling these last couple of months, it is sweet and it makes me cry to see a Daddy in waiting so eager to teach his little girls how to be aggressive soccer players.  Oh a funny thing too, the last two weeks or maybe three, Dallas has set up the tent and has slept in it, as I am big and its uncomfortable to share a bed right now.  I toss and turn so he graciously sleeps outside every night!  I think its so cute how every night he says goodnight and walks out the front door and unzips his tent and sleeps out there.  What a great guy!  
  I did want to mention something here and I think that it is so important for all mommies to be and even for those who are trying to be mommies.  The importance of a GOOD prenatal vitamin and a few other supplements.  Now maybe I have gone over board, I don't know, but I contribute a lot of my good pregnancy to the vitamins and a healthy diet.  I have taken a prenatal vitamin ( Centrum ) and yes it is more expensive, but it is packed full of all of the good stuff that those babies are taking from me.  In addition to this I also have been on a calcium magnesium pill too.  They say that you are supposed to take vitamin D with this because it helps to absorb the calcium better, but I drink a lot of milk and orange juice and get a lot of calcium anyways.  I tried the vitamin D and I found for me that I had a hard time sleeping!  The other one that I have been taking is an Omega 3.  I started with a 3-6-9, but during pregnancy you really just need to focus on the Omega 3.  So that is what I started to take and I found a vitamin that was an Omega 3 Prenatal.  This is such an important one for those little brains that are growing inside of me (and mine too I am sure).   Now some women might think that a prenatal isn't going to "do much" after the first 3 months or so, but I assure that is not the case.  When you have little babies or baby growing inside of you and taking all the nutrients that are usually going to you then you are left with very little to sustain yourself and your health.  The vitamins aren't a substitute for food, instead they help your body to cope with what it might be lacking during pregnancy.  Just another thing that I have learnt too and many of you might already know this!  Keep taking your prenatal as long as you are breast feeding, and switch to an Omega 3-6.  As women we need to always keep our calcium levels up to prevent disease like osteoporosis, so I will continue to take that as well.  
  This is something that I really think has helped me during my pregnancy, I know that everybody's bodies are different, but it really can't hurt you or your babies to give a little extra of this and that.
  I hope that you are all doing well and thank you to those who have been such a great support system through this journey!  Not long now and we will have our little babies at home!

Jesse and Babies