Monday, June 18, 2012

If You Say it Fast Enough.... it Sounds Like Crete

Good Day!  Well... a lot sure has changed since the last blog post!  Its funny that I read it and now we have just made a HUGE change!  For those of you who might not have heard we uprooted our lives in comfortable Red Deer to move to a small town in isolated Northern Alberta called La Crete.  Its Northeast of Peace River about 3.5 hours or so!  Its really beautiful here.  Lots of forest and farmland surrounding us here, you also have to take a ferry to get here!  So needless to say its a huge change, but change is good and it helps you to grow.  We moved because Dallas got offered a good job up here so here we are!
The girls are adjusting very well to a new home, they like sleeping in their beds and not sleeping with their mommy all the time ( I actually miss sleeping with them ).  They are crawling, fighting, standing (while holding something) and Nellie shakes her finger at me when I say no to her.  Its quite funny.  They eat like tiny horses and love cheese like their mama!
I know its been ages since I last wrote, life has been a whirlwind of change and it will be nice to settle down for a few months anyway.  Change is fun though, it helps you to get out of your comfort zone and have a different perspective. 
I hope this finds all of you in a good place.

Much Love
