So this week has actually been better than I thought it would go! Dallas is away till Friday, so that means that he would be gone for a week! Now under normal circumstances (that's me not being a hormone casserole last week), this trip would not be a big deal at all. For some reason carrying two babies, being at home alone for a week and not being able to communicate AT ALL with your husband was a big deal. However, that being said, this week has been great! The weekend it was nice to do nothing and not feel guilty about not getting dressed on Saturday and napping for a total of 8 hours on the weekend... when I sleep like that my Mom always says, "Well you must have needed it." I guess I really did.
On Monday my dear friend came down from Edmonton and helped me get our basement "guest" ready... and it looks FABULOUS! So I am no longer scared to take people to that side of the basement... now the other side is another story and maybe a whole weekend of purging... that is a scary thought.
Lily, babies and I at 25 weeks! |
I guess more importantly on Monday (sorry Layne), was the appointment with our Obstetrician. Thankfully I looked on the calendar, because it was at 9 am and NOT 1 pm... I would have been SO mad if I had missed that one! We went over all of my pregnancy thus far and he doesn't seen concerned about anything. The babies are growing right along like they are supposed to and he thinks I have fabulous boots! Ha... Fashion Mommy! Sorry, no he said I have gorgeous hemoglobin, never been told that before. But it sounded so nice! My BP was good again, and the babies heart rates are almost the same! One baby was 130 and the other was 131.
I did step on the scale yesterday, and to my delight I weight a whopping 181 lbs! Can you believe it, I am thankful for those years of back catching that have helped me to keep some strong legs to carry all of this weight around. Would I ever want to put on this much weight any other time, doubtful. So here we are almost 26 weeks and I am measuring like a 31 week pregnant lady with one babe! Crazy... I guess that I am allowed to be tired and irrational when my husband leaves... right?
Last week at the Chiropractor she mentioned that in a few weeks I will look down and not believe how much I have grown, well... it didn't take a few weeks, its happened, I had THAT moment. It is great though, its a miracle what the body can do to support two lives living inside of another body. They might be sucking out all of my energy, but that's what they are supposed to do. If they weren't I would be concerned! Still the only complaint that I have is an unbelievable sore back! Bathing twice a day never bothered me before, so now I enjoy it even more ( the babies move so much during our baths together ).
I guess its three sleeps till their daddy gets home, its a weird feeling not having him around, our little family is separated for the first time, wow that though actually just came to me! He deserves a break from everything too! All I am saying is that he better take me for a steak when he gets back!
I hope you are all having a great week!
Jesse & Babes
**Oh... I wanted to post a picture of the wall decal, we put it up last week...
Wall decal |