Friday, August 5, 2011


  Well well well... here we have made it 34 weeks yesterday!  I must revoke some comments I made in my last post, the more that I read and talk to people the better it is if these little girls stay in awhile longer and I get a gold medal.  So... our new goal will be to make it to 36 weeks.  I feel stretched beyond my comfort levels at this point, but I try to leave the house once a day just to keep my sanity.  I took the dog for a walk yesterday and he was not impressed with my speed to say the least.  He kept looking back at me with big eyes that said, " Come on I know you can go faster than this."  He was a patient companion and when we hit the park the leash came off and he soon forgot how slow I am and he was going to all of his little spots to mark his territory. 
  Today I was thinking about expectations during pregnancy.  I have far exceeded any expectations that I have set for myself and this pregnancy and I am proud of that.  Not in a way to rub it in anyones face, but I made little goals for myself regarding a variety of things and I am so glad that I have met most of them.  I am glad that I can say that I have had an amazing pregnancy and that the babies seem to be thriving.  All I wanted was to be healthy and more importantly for the babies to be healthy too and now here we are ready to meet them really anytime and I honestly still feel pretty good.  Maybe more emotional at times, but its ok to feel that way and its completely normal too!  So I do have a lot to be proud of.  I have never doubted the ability that I had to carry these babies to a healthy point and I feel that if they weren't happy in their little womb that they would let me know and would have shown their little faces already, I am just amazed at what the human (woman's) body can endure!  Now with all the expectations that have been met, I must say that I had some pretty high expectations about the birthing/ laboring part of this.  I will say now that no matter how these babies arrive into this world, that day will be ranked right up there as the best day of our life.  I think that the moment that we found out that our one baby was in a breech position my opinion changed about how to birth the babies.  Obviously, I would rather have a natural birth, but when it comes down to it the only thing that matters is that the babies and I are safe.  If the doctor recommends and early epidural for safety reasons I have to humble myself and know that he is the one who has delivered babies not me, I have read a few books though!  It does make me sigh though.  I realize now that a multiple birth is different than a single birth and there are so many factors play into your "birth plan."  I will just anticipate that day and whatever happens happens and as long as the babies are safe I will be happy.
  I do want to update you all on our doctors appointment that we had on Tuesday.  I met our new OB and he was super nice!  Just upbeat and really enthusiastic!  The babies heart rates were still really good, my BP was a bit higher than it has been, but I have also been retaining more water than usual.  My weight didn't change (thankfully I am still 198)  thats a lot of weight for a small human like myself!  He said that with multiples he likes to give an early epidural so incase one comes out naturally and the other doesn't budge it is easier for maneuvering ( I won't get into too many details there, maybe use your imagination), it also helps to reduce the chance that we would have a normal birth and a c-section.  We  have another ultra sound booked for August 17th and then we see him on the 19th again.  We'll see if we can make it to those dates though.  He wasn't totally convinced that I would and neither am I really!  
  The anticipation is killing me now.  I just can't wait to see Dallas' face when his daughters are born and he gets to see them for the first time.  Now we just wait.  I will keep you all posted!

Jesse and Babies

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