Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Heart Routine

  I am sitting here enjoying my coffee while two sets of eyes, ears, hands, and feet are all pointed towards me.  I have two smiling little babies and I just love it!  Three months has just flown by and I can hardly believe that we have made it this far and it has gone fast but slow at the same time.  The changes are incredible.  It feels like somedays they just seriously change right before our eyes.  I am happy to say that the girls are just thriving.  Yesterday we had their 3 month check up and Nellie came in at a whopping 14lb 5oz and Farren at 12lb 14oz!  So there is just over a pound difference between them still!  I seriously almost fell over when I seen that.  I knew that they were heavier, but not that heavy!  I am not complaining!  All of those 430 am feeds have paid off!  I have to say that I am a much rested and happy mom.  The girls basically go to bed anywhere between 830-915 and they usually sleep until about 630 or 730.  I honestly believe that routine has saved us!  Every night they get a bit fussy around 630 so we give them some milk and they are content and we just snuggle them and have a little play till around 730-745, then the fun begins with their baths!  After their baths they get their massages.  This just relaxes them so much and by 815 they are ready to eat again and they wind down and go to sleep.  Every night they get swaddled in their elephant blankets, put in bed ( which is still in our room ) and they get all tucked in right next to each other.  We are very lucky because they just go straight to sleep, never a fuss or a peep out of them.  Its incredible!  So this way Dallas and I get an hour to ourselves with each other! Its fabulous!  So now you all know our routine!
  So every morning when they are waking up I peak in their little bed and see two smiles, they now recognize me as their mamma ( what a great feeling ).  Farren and Nellie now make little talking sounds like "AAAHHH GOOO" and when I say that back they continue and we go back and forth.  Little sweeties.  
  We all know that Christmas is just around the corner so this year I am starting a tradition for the girls.  I am making them photo books.  I know that little kids love looking at pictures of mom and dad, their cousins, grandparents, pets, etc..  Its a great present and a nice keepsake for the girls as they get older.  This way they can see the last year of their life!  I have to take the girls to get their picture with Santa.  That should be a fun day!  I might try the mall today, but we might also just wait till next week!  Crazy line ups for that fat man!
  I should sign off here!  I hope you are all enjoying this mild weather!  Personally I am ready for the snow and cold!  Bring it on!


1 comment:

The Egg said...

i love that you have twins! i really want twins when i start to have kids. seems like so much work but something so special!

xoxo the egg out west.