I have been very tardy with updating this blog of mine, isn't that normal though? Becoming complacent and just "not having the time." That is not an excuse for me, as I have nothing but time now a days! To bring you all up to speed here, I am not working much anymore. Just a little bit here and there which is nice. I haven't really felt that need to nest around my house as I have gotten a lot of things done, I do have a list though! Soon I will start checking things off of that list, I just needed a few days to do nothing! So that is what I have done. I have dove into a book and I am not sure if that is a good thing or not...
We are moving right along with this pregnancy! We are now 30 weeks, which is amazing to me! Technically in like 5-8 weeks we will parents to two babies at once! I can hardly believe it somedays. I am still in awe of the human body and what it is capable of. Now I must say that I have started to become uncomfortable! I have had a couple of new symptoms pop up swollen feet, Dallas likes to call me club foot, its interesting for sure. Along with the feet my gums are also really swollen and bleed a lot, but not to worry I was proactive and went to the dentist a couple weeks ago and have been taking good care of that! I have difficulty breathing when I lay down, so I am taking a homeopathic thing for that and it really works! I am just thinking to myself that I have been really lucky! If these few minor symptoms is all that has crept up in 30 weeks surely I can make it another 8! The weather has not been bothering me too much either! I find that if I sit outside in the sun I can handle maybe 15 minutes then I have to find some shade or go inside for a wee break, but no hot flashes! I consider myself lucky. On Tuesday we have our next ultra sound, we are so excited to see our little girls again! I can't imagine how much they have grown, I can feel it though. Just incredible to wake up and feel those little nudges and kicks and pokes, I will miss that. The doctor isn't concerned about anything at this point, we have been cleared for diabetes and anemia, so there are no worries. Dallas and I have started a journal this last week for the girls, we wanted something in our writing to remind us and to show them how we were feeling these last couple of months, it is sweet and it makes me cry to see a Daddy in waiting so eager to teach his little girls how to be aggressive soccer players. Oh a funny thing too, the last two weeks or maybe three, Dallas has set up the tent and has slept in it, as I am big and its uncomfortable to share a bed right now. I toss and turn so he graciously sleeps outside every night! I think its so cute how every night he says goodnight and walks out the front door and unzips his tent and sleeps out there. What a great guy!
I did want to mention something here and I think that it is so important for all mommies to be and even for those who are trying to be mommies. The importance of a GOOD prenatal vitamin and a few other supplements. Now maybe I have gone over board, I don't know, but I contribute a lot of my good pregnancy to the vitamins and a healthy diet. I have taken a prenatal vitamin ( Centrum ) and yes it is more expensive, but it is packed full of all of the good stuff that those babies are taking from me. In addition to this I also have been on a calcium magnesium pill too. They say that you are supposed to take vitamin D with this because it helps to absorb the calcium better, but I drink a lot of milk and orange juice and get a lot of calcium anyways. I tried the vitamin D and I found for me that I had a hard time sleeping! The other one that I have been taking is an Omega 3. I started with a 3-6-9, but during pregnancy you really just need to focus on the Omega 3. So that is what I started to take and I found a vitamin that was an Omega 3 Prenatal. This is such an important one for those little brains that are growing inside of me (and mine too I am sure). Now some women might think that a prenatal isn't going to "do much" after the first 3 months or so, but I assure that is not the case. When you have little babies or baby growing inside of you and taking all the nutrients that are usually going to you then you are left with very little to sustain yourself and your health. The vitamins aren't a substitute for food, instead they help your body to cope with what it might be lacking during pregnancy. Just another thing that I have learnt too and many of you might already know this! Keep taking your prenatal as long as you are breast feeding, and switch to an Omega 3-6. As women we need to always keep our calcium levels up to prevent disease like osteoporosis, so I will continue to take that as well.
This is something that I really think has helped me during my pregnancy, I know that everybody's bodies are different, but it really can't hurt you or your babies to give a little extra of this and that.
I hope that you are all doing well and thank you to those who have been such a great support system through this journey! Not long now and we will have our little babies at home!
Jesse and Babies
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