Monday, August 1, 2011

I Will Humble Myself and Accept Third Place... Please!

  So here I am and its early afternoon and I have had my morning bath/ reading time and I just put my jammies back on!  I did get a load of laundry in the washer and have plans on doing a few more loads.  Laundry is my enemy right now!  Haha... I am sure it will only get "better".  So wow how so much changes in not a short period of time.  I have this feeling, call it intuition or whatever you want, but I think that these little girls are going to be coming into this world sooner than later.  I don't want to complain, because I have done well up to this point with keeping my complaints to a minimum, but I am super uncomfortable now.  I have feet that look like they belong to an elephant (my ankles have disappeared), my right hand/ arm is unavailable a lot of the time due to some awesome side effect called carpel tunnel ( I hope that goes away ) oh and the most strange thing that I think has happened to me, it that the swelling in my gums has caused my front teeth to separate!  There is now a visible space between them, its kind of cute though!  
  We are approaching 34 weeks now and I read that at this point it would be considered a bronze medal, 35 weeks is a silver medal and 36 weeks is a gold medal!  Ha... I am in NO competition though, and I have always been a humble loser.  So a bronze medal would be great!  Personally I think that the gold should be for 34 weeks... just a thought.  I have more Braxton Hicks contractions now much more frequently and cramping along side them... so signs are pointing to our girls showing up soon.  
  My sister is also still pregnant with her girls, I wonder what kind of coincidence that would be if we had our babies on the same day... too bad we couldn't really plan that... we might be offered some type of reward.  
  So the list of the things to do in our house has started to bother me.  If there ever was a time to procrastinate now is not the time, but like most humans I work better when there is a bit of stress involved.  Its not really a considerable amount of anything that needs to get done, just a lot of little things that have piled up.  So today I will be making a list and that list will be cleared by Friday... I hope.  
  I am really excited to meet our next OB and see what he is like.  I hope he's as nice as the last one.  We meet with him on Wednesday.  This week we are also getting our car seats put in properly!  If there is anything that stresses me out that would be it!  So I have enlisted the help of someone to help us do them properly!  No stress that way!    I guess today's post has no real purpose, maybe just an update.  Who knows maybe it will be the last one till the babies come... but maybe not!  Either way we will try to keep you posted!
  My washer is singing to me and that is telling me that its time for the next load.  I hope you are all enjoying these nice summer days mixed with some wicked thunder storms in the evening!  

Jesse and Babies


Jessica said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am getting sooo excited!!!! I know it must be nerve wracking/stressful for you, but wow, Jesse! You really think they are gonna come soon hey?!?! I want to help you as much as I can, so feel free to text anytime and I can whip up a casserole or wash your kitchen floor and dust for you or whatever, k?? Speaking of all those things... I should get some of those things done at MY house! ha! Keep smiling girl! You are doing amazing! :) SEE YOU SOON, K!? xoxo Jess

L.O said...

This is getting very exciting Jesse! You are looking amazing and sound much more ambitious than I ever was carrying 1 baby!
Can't wait to hear your news!

Michelle Service said...

J - You need a washing machine with some pedastals, if you don't have one. Then you would not have to bend over EVER!! I just got one and from one pregnant belly to the other, they are fabulous. Good luck. Michelle (the other prego lady at Dids)