Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just an Update

  As we inch closer and closer and the weeks fly by I can't help but feel a bit anxious.  Some nights I am up (usually to go to the bathroom), and I can't fall asleep because I keep thinking about everything that needs to still be finished.  They aren't major, but they weigh on my mind.  Like my spice cupboard... I know that it desperately needs to be organized and cleaned out, but I just don't have really want to do it.  I should make some meals and freeze them, but I feel so tired!  There is a big long list of "should do's" but they can wait.  I have to say that the last couple of days I have been by far the most tired I have been through my pregnancy.  Its like the only type of mammal that hibernates in the summer is a pregnant woman.  I am specifically speaking for myself here.  
32 weeks!
  The babies have been moving so much, apparently its supposed to slow down, but I just don't think they will!  I think that they are going to be busy little girls.  I was saying to Dallas that we are going to have to take them to the park in the evening when they are bigger and run them ragged so they sleep, he already thought of that and has picked out some parks that are close to do that.  He is looking forward to taking them for bike rides and so am I.  I just want to be an active family that spends time together.  When we were little supper time was always so much fun, I just remember sitting around the table and everyone talking about their day and laughing.  Thats how I want our children to grow up.  
  Oh a new development is that we have bought a minivan!  Its not new, its not very "pretty", but we are so happy with it!  The seats are plush and there is a ton of room in it for babies, strollers, dogs and groceries.  I just love how everything seems to fall into place when you need it to.  I want to attach a couple of links of a great website for a few little baby things that my parents got for us.  The company is called Woombie and they have a lot of really great things!  
First off is the Donut Woombie, it is like a portable mattress that actually looks really comfortable!  I wonder if they make these for adults!?!?  My thinking is this will be perfect for an afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's or even for the babes to lay on in the living room!  I am so excited to get this!
Secondly is the Convertible Woombie, it just looks so comfortable.  Its to swaddle the babies and if they don't like it then you can just make it into a sleep sack so their arms are out.  
Doesn't that baby look so comfy and peaceful?  I am hoping that they will make our little babies comfortable and peaceful too.  
Just wanted to share those two little things with everyone!  This week Mom also ordered us two ring slings off of Etsy.  Now that is a dangerous website!  If you haven't ever heard of it, beware!  Most everything is handmade and so much of it is SO affordable.  I love the baby stuff, maybe when the girlies are a bit older I will find something for myself on there!
Anyways.  I just felt the need to write a little post tonight.  We are all still feeling well, just tired.  Dallas is a trooper, just the most selfless man I have ever met.  He gets the bedroom ready for my nap with pillows to prop up my feet and a gets nice cool breeze going in the room and takes me for ice cream without even questioning it.  He is going to be the best Daddy.  He said yesterday that it is special when your friends children smile and coo at you, so he can't even imagine what that will feel like when our little babies start to recognize us and do the same.  
  Just a few more weeks and our life as we know it will never be the same.  I can't hardly wait!  

Jesse and Babies

1 comment:

Campbells said...

Love the Woombies!!! Jen and I both used them and they were perfect!