Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meatless May-be

  Its Wednesday and I have decided to start my Rant or Rave.  I have hesitated doing this because I really don't want to offend anyone.  That is not the purpose.  So, that being said, here we go.  
  Yesterday Dallas showed me this link .  Now I know many of you that read are meat eaters, I am one myself ( I have a meat tooth, seriously).  I think I have wrote about this before.  So I was able to watch maybe 2 minutes of this.  So viewer discretion people.  My rant is about this video.  In the few minutes I watched it, I felt sick in my stomach, guilty, sad and sickened.  Dallas has been harping on me for quite sometime to not eat so much meat, but I never really had a reason to stop.  So, I am not willing to stop altogether, but I am challenging myself (and others too) to give up meat even for a week.  I am going to try to stop for the month of May.  Meatless May if you will.  Now meatless in my world is not eating any beef, chicken or pork.  Fish that is not farmed, is NOT included.  
  In the future I want to try to be more conscious about the meat that I do put in my body.  So that will include going to the butcher or even raising our own little calf (how hard will that be to slaughter a calf that we have raised)?  I just have this need to actually KNOW where the food that I am eating is coming from.  In a way if we are eating meat that has been tortured are we not putting that bad energy in our own bodies?  Now people don't think this is a dig at anyone its just deep thoughts on a Wednesday.
  Yesterday I had a big shop at Costco to pick up some fresh veggies, fruit, etc.  I love costco.  I have been starting to make smoothies in the morning.  Sometimes the hardest thing to do when you want to begin living a healthier lifestyle is actually starting.  So today I have started.  I will see how well I do.  I have great support in Dallas, his mom and my friend Jessica (she's great to motivate me in a healthy direction).    
  Well this rant or rave was a fail.  I didn't really do either.  Thats ok.  I just wanted to share this with everyone.  Is there anything that you would give up to promote a healthier lifestyle?  Now I want to live the example I want to be for my girls.  So here we go!  

I hope you are all having a great midweek day.


1 comment:

Campbells said...

Good luck, Jesse! Come visit us in June, ok! hahaha! :-) You can do it!! With support anything's possible. I'll be curious to follow your journey and see how the meatless affects you, and if you feel better etc. Sounds like a fun challenge! Mia hates meat and yet I force her to eat it... maybe a change is needed here too!
Take care!