So, I just looked and I have started to write like 3 posts and then the girls wake up and I have to stop. So this morning I hope hope hope that we might get some words on "paper".
Nellie and Farren looking sweet. |
This week itself has been the most challenging for me as a mother and a wife. Two major things have contributed to these feelings. The first is that I have decided to stop breast feeding and pumping. My body is exhausted, I am exhausted and honestly when the babies are sleeping I need to be doing the same thing. This was a huge decision for me to come to terms with because I wanted so bad to be able to give our girls the very best start in life that they can have. I have though, I gave them breast milk for close to two months of their lives. I joined these forums/ groups on Facebook that promote breast feeding, but they just made me feel guilty about even giving my children formula. I just came to the simple conclusion that I have to make things very simple around my home to be able to make it day to day and when you have two babies that aren't super enthusiastic about breast feeding it makes life complicated and to pump milk 6-8 times a day and not have enough for them just made me feel overwhelmed. I feel free of it though. It sounds almost dramatic, but I challenge anyone to try. Anyways, I don't feel that I have to justify my choice to anyone anymore. I did the best I could for as long as I could! I do have to thank Dallas, my mom, my mother in law and my friend Sara for just being the best support system that a girl could have. It is nice to know that when it feels like everything is unravelling that you can pick up the phone and you have people that love and care not only about me but also my girls. Being a mom is easily the hardest thing I have ever experienced, but so rewarding in the same breath. Our girls are flourishing and everyday it seems like they are literally changing right before my eyes. Its incredible!
Nellie after a bath at Grammas |
Sisterly love. |
So the second thing that has made this week "interesting" is the fact that both of our girls have thrush. It made me feel terrible that I didn't know why they were constantly eating and only sleeping in 1.5 hour intervals. It has been like this for about 3 weeks. How did I not know? I thought this was normal patterns for babies which it is. So Monday was a day from the hot place, Dallas and I couldn't communicate (which is not normal), the babies were constantly eating from 630 am to 330 in the afternoon and we were all tired. Needless to say it was a very hairy day for the Campbell home. So we packed up and went out to Grama and Grampa's house for a break. Thrush is not fun with two babies. They were abnormally fussy and up all the time. So at their doctors appointment on Wednesday she confirmed that they indeed did have thrush and so now we remedy it. Thursday was a completely different day. They were content and calm again and that is just one day of the medication. Poor little dears.
At their doctors appointment she said they were doing great. They are getting so big she said, "Are you feeding these girls cream?" Nellie is weighing in at 10lbs 13oz and Farren is 9lbs 14oz. So that means they are both almost double their birth weight! I am so proud of them. They are both the same length which is 21 inches. So they are flourishing. There are two proud parents here with their little girls just growing.
Nellie with her friend Ox. |
Farren with her friend Moxy. |
One thing that I do want to mention is the idea of bonding with two babies. Sometimes I feel terrible that I can't always be holding them, but the most reassuring thing is when you can clearly see that your babies are aware of your presence. When no one else can calm and soothe them but me I secretly love it. It must mean that they love their mama.
I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Fall that we are experiencing ( for those of you in Aussie, I hope you are enjoying your Spring).
Jesse, Nellie and Farren