Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mind Boggles

  The last two days have been a couple of "those days," the ones where all you want to really do is just stay in bed and not have to face the world.  However, it seems that it has helped to get outside and really just enjoy the nicer weather and take the doggy that we are dog sitting for a walk.
I have been sifting through books the last while too and have found some really great reads on twin pregnancy and just really practical advice about how to feed, bathe, change, and get the babies into a good sleeping routine together.  It feels "not so daunting" when the advice is practical... ya know?
  For those of you who might care to know what the little ones look like inside, this obviously is a drawing/ illustration of how big they are at 16 weeks, we are not quite there yet, but somewhere close!  They are getting bigger everyday and I can feel them getting bigger.  There hasn't been any kicks and elbow drops yet, instead just the flutters and "quickening" as they call it in the books.
Twin babies, fetuses at 16 weeks - BabyCenter
Next image 
  One symptom that has crept up is total forgetfulness, or just having not too many great motor skills, like trying to type for instance ( I can't figure out home row).  Something that I was thinking about today is: While hormones are surging driving might better be left to the husband or carpools!  One thing that I also read this week, is because a woman carrying multiples is to put on about 45-55 lbs, I don't have to feel guilty when I have a milkshake every night before bed!  I only have vanilla or a fruit one, now I don't know if that means that Dallas is allowed too, but he does anyways.
  I hope that you are all enjoying these days as Spring is approaching!  Thanks for taking the time to check this out!
Jesse & Babies

Monday, March 28, 2011

So Many Options

Today I decided to walk to the library and overload myself on even more information about babies, birth, nutrition, parenting, etc.  I came across a documentary called The Business of Being Born produced by Ricki Lake.  Now at first I must say that I was hesitant, because I couldn't stand Ricki Lake when she was the host of her own talk show, but I must say that the documentary was very intriguing (the worst part was actually seeing Ricki Lake naked, giving birth).  The whole show is inspired by unique birth experiences.  It is obviously based in the United States (New York to be specific), so a lot of the health care statistics are different from ours in Canada.  However, it does paint a very interesting picture about natural birth vs. taking the drugs.  There is no wrong or right, but I am sure there is good and bad in all of the options, to each their own.  It tells us of the outrageous amount of c-sections that are given something like 46% of all births in the U.S.  I am sure that Canada is not too far below that number.  Doctors in the U.S. have taken over the decision making for the mothers and basically you give birth within a certain amount of time or we do it for you ( kind of sad ).  This disempowers the mother in so many ways, you start one med to induce your pregnancy and basically that drug distresses the baby, so you need another drug for that and so on.
  Here is the link for the trailer, take a look for yourselves:
  After watching this my "want" for a natural birth has been even more justified.  Now I know that some of you will say that I am crazy "TAKE THE DRUGS", but I think that as long as the babies are healthy and both are not breeched that I can do it.  I just don't think about the "other" options, maybe that is ignorant, but I just want to feel that high of it all (not of the medication).  The documentary really praises mid-wives, and before I watched this I never really understood what their role was.  I have considered having a doula and I just have to find out if the hospitals here in Red Deer allow you to have the doula, husband and mother in the room at the same time.
  Today I have felt really good, the weather has been walking appropriate ( Springtime is nigh)!  I feel that I have been overloading on books about babies and pregnancy, but I feel so informed!  Of course there is a lot of information to sift through, but I want to feel like I at least partially know what's going inside of me, and what is happening with the babies too!  I will try to find better statistics from this film, because I really feel like it is important to spread the message that this show is trying to send.  I hope that you are all enjoying this milder weather!
Jesse and Babies

Here is another link that really explains a lot of the shows synopsis:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Expanding Family

  As some of you may or may not know my sister is also expecting twins, I believe she is about 3 weeks ahead of us!  Isn't that something short of a miracle?  It's times like this that the distance between us is really hard because you want to be able to share in the moments with someone so close and you want for your babies to grow up knowing each other, but this is our reality.  Thankfully Skype is around though, we can compare our growing bellies and the emotional ups and downs (although I think hers are a bit more than mine).  So our parents have went from having one grandchild to expanding to six in a year and a half.  I should tell you that Jill gave birth to the most precious baby girl in July her name is Ella Rose and she also has a gorgeous little pre-teen Amy Marie, just love those girls so much!  
  Now this isn't all for multiples in our immediate family!  Dallas' sister has triplet girls they are going to be 11 in September!  Wow, time flies by!  So how is that for multiples in one family circle.  I love it!  I hope one day we can all get together and get a big picture!  Its hard since my sis is in Australia and Dallas' is in Denmark!  Scattered everywhere, but great excuse to travel around to two very different parts of the world.  
  Like I said before the distance is tough, you wish that you could be there for your growing nieces and just be their friend if they need someone to talk to.  Take them shopping or for an ice cream.  I would love to be able to just have a big sleep over one day with all of those girls; put some curlers in our hair, maybe take some funny pictures, maybe watch a funny movie.  Just all of the things you wish you could do, but just can't:(  This is our reality though and I have to remember the times when we do see each other that we just have to make the most of it!  
  So yesterday Dallas put together the first piece of the babies room!  Its great, a nice red dresser that will serve as double duty (forgive the pun), as it will be a change table and storage for all things baby.  However, right now it is in the dining room under a mirror with a new plant on it and I love it in that spot!  Might need to get another!  
Here it is:
I want the room to look like a babies room, but I also want to have things that babies will be able to grow into for a long time, so I am looking for practical storage solutions.  The other item we got was a tall bookshelf that you can put baskets in that will also be great for extra storage and again, we can use it in the future for their books!
  Here it is:
Since we are not sure of the genders of the babies yet, these two items seemed appropriate.  I kind of want to have an outdoorsy, nature, woodland animal theme in the room, with a bit of a vintage feel.  Wonder if that makes sense?  Here is the cutest find so far!  I just love it so much... a simple little hanger.
Thanks for reading!  I hope you all have a great day! 
JC & Babies

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Memory Bank

  Aghh... Today I wish that a little fairy with a bucket would come and clean up my whole house.  Instead, it is in shambles and really its only my fault... sheer laziness!  Today is fresh bedding day though, so when the cat wakes up I shall start that!
  So yesterday I went to my friends home for a great visit and eat a delicious, simple dinner.  Amanda has a little guy named Caleb Elliot (he was born November 22), and he has the most kissable little baby cheeks I have ever seen.  Then shortly after that Lisa showed up with her little guy Quinton (he was born in mid September), and he has the cutest smile and his eyes just light right up.  Way too precious.  Now these two ladies I have known for a very long time, Lisa and I have been friends since way back in the first grade and Amanda thankfully showed up in my life in grade 9. Needless to say I was a bit nostalgic last night.  Here we are as adults, some with children and some of us expecting.  Now there isn't just these two lovely ladies that I have kept in touch with over the years.  Now I have to mention Ginny's little guy Lucas who is going to turn 1 in June!  Alissa is about to have her first baby (sex unknown) in a matter of weeks.  These women have been part of some of the best memories of my life (well my childhood for sure), when I think about getting older and starting a family and all of us starting families it just really seems surreal, are we even old enough to have babies?!?!  Here we are though in our late 20's and though some of us live apart from others we all have this amazing bond, and here we get to experience this part of life together too.  Its times like this that I am thankful for social media and the capabilities it has to "keep people in touch."  That being said, its never hard to keep in touch with these ladies, I can go months without a text, phone call, email, or visit and we can just pick up where we left off.  To me that is just a form of unconditional love.  When I closed my eyes last night I just thanked God for each of them and sent a little bit of extra love to their babies.  I hope one day we can all get a picture with our children together, I would just love to have that memory to carry around for life.
  I must insert here:  there are a few of ladies (and you know who you are) that I have been friends with for just as long and we all grew up together... I never forgot you, I was just thinkin about babies, babies, babies!  Much love to you too though!
  So cheers to you ladies and your children and the memories we carry around in our minds and in our hearts.      

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Twins in the Womb

Calm and Cool

  Since finding out that we were having multiples we have been really trying to just stay grounded.  I am a personal believer that if you are always stressed, feeling overwhelmed and complaining that the energy of you (and those that surround you) will effect your baby.  Ok so just a little insert... I will now be just be referring to them as babies because thats what we are having.  So I have consciously tried to just stay calm and relaxed.  The good days have far out numbered the bad days thus far, and I hope that when the waddling starts and the babies are the sizes of footballs that I can keep a positive attitude.  One day at a time and one step at a time.   
I have been given so much advice about everything and to be honest some goes in one ear and out the other, but some stays with me. This is ultimately our path to pave and I know that it won't be perfect, but I do know without a doubt that these babies will always be surrounded by a lot of love and they will be brought into a peaceful home.  
  Having a conversation with a good friend the other day I realized that life will change but honestly it has already only changed for the better.  I don't want to be one of those mommies who loses her identity in her children.  I want to grow and learn with them, but I still need to be a woman and a wife.  Naturally, we are an easy going couple so I think it would be safe to say that after the first few months that will just slip back into place (now maybe I will also be eating these words in 7 months), but only time will tell.  
  Dallas and I have always been a team and on the same page through our marriage and if anything finding out that we are having twins has solidified that even more.  Now the fun stuff begins... picking names, finding out the sexes, picking out a stroller, doing the nursery, filling up the nursery, and just really enjoying this stage of our life together.  The next four months will be the last ones that belong to just Dallas and I ( that actually makes me sad), but the babies have come with perfect timing and we are totally ready for the challenge.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Beginning of Beautiful

  Finding out that you are going to be carrying a baby for 9 months is exciting.  What's even more exciting is finding out that there are two babies!  On March 2, 2011 we found out that we pregnant with twins.  So here we are 14 weeks into it after the shock wears off.  Two precious little miracles in one body, growing for approximately nine months.  You go through a lot of emotions: excited, scared, elation, apprehension, joy, happiness... there is really a big mix.  I can never really put my finger on what exactly it is that I have been feeling.  Mostly I feel very blessed and overjoyed.  
  They say that the symptoms of pregnancy are doubled with two, but besides being so tired that I have to practically keep my eyes opened with toothpicks, I have felt wonderful!  Being pregnant gives women the chance to embrace the life (or lives) that are growing inside of her.  Mommy must now eat for herself and the little ones that are invading the space in her always growing body, she must think of resting and relaxation more frequently (one of my personal favorites), and just in general live a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise.  So I have really tried hard to include all of these in my daily living and have started a prenatal yoga (an hour of bliss & stretching).
  So, here I have started a blog and I want to see how it progresses as the pregnancy progresses and as the babies get older I have some really great, unique ideas as to how to make this blog "entertaining" to say the least.  Some posts will be written by the babies view and some from our view (mostly me, Jesse).  
  Enjoy the journey!